Cloud Filing

Cloud Storage

Cloud Filing

SaadCorp encourages clients to subscribe to a cloud storage service of their choice. Services we currently support are Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, pCloud Drive.

These services simplify storage and exchange of reports and photos safely. Depending on a client's portfolio this can potentially amount to tens of Gigabytes.

Dwelling Floorplans

SaadCorp uses smart technologies to produce accurate on-site floorplans of existing dwellings. A laser measurer directly inputs the dimensions of a room to an iPad application. Windows and doors are added. Bathroom layouts are provided as standard. Optional extra details can include kitchen cabinets, locations of hot water systems and air conditioners and much more. The resulting floorplan is available in may formats. However, PDF format is the most common.

A floorplan can become an asset manager's powerful tool as they execute maintenance programs or issue work orders. Once a floorplan is produced it serves the client for many years to come. For example, consider a scenario where bedroom 2 requires carpet replacement in a remote area. Imagine the cost saving of knowing the dimensions of the room. You may choose to issue a copy of the floorplan to the nominated tradesperson, saving time from a site visit to measure, return to workshop & return to site with material to fit. When invoiced, the quantity can be verified against the floorplan for accuracy.

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Diagnostic Photography

Diagnostic Photography

Photography forms a main aspect of inspecting. Mobile phones capable of stamping date/time and address, assists to identify and group pictures. These are presented to clients in cloud-based folders named by the address. It is common for an inspected property to have more than 80 pictures. These are often used as diagnostic tools or 'proof of asset condition' at a given time. Where access to roofs and building structures is difficult, our inspectors are able to video or photograph using high-quality drones carrying a 4K camera. Note: The restricted use of drones close to electrical power lines and airports limits this service.

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High Quality Reports

Building or Pre-Purchase Report

A building report is supplied when a building fault is assessed, or a purchase of a property is proposed.

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Scoping Report

A Scope of Works Report is generated when proposed work is required on a property or a group of properties. Schedule of Rates (SOR) are applied to each maintenance element of a project and costs are generated. SaadCorp have specialised software that not only create scope of works reports but set the basis to project manage. This includes managing variations, progress payments, quality & quantity control, completion certificates, summary reports and much more. Having multiple inspectors, SaadCorp's software uses cloud-based secure servers. Where internet is poor or non-existent, SaadCorp's vehicle is fitted with In-Motion Starlink Satellite Internet.

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